New Donk City – Mario’s sidekick can be found literally a few feet from where the Odyssey lands.Lost Kingdom – Head round behind the Odyssey and run through the left path, past the weird roomba thing and you’ll find him.Cloud Kingdom – Balloon Mode is not actually available here at all due to the map’s small size and therefore lack of options for hiding balloons in.Wooded Kingdom – Head past the Crazy Cap store, past the rabbit and over towards the entrance to the rest of the stage, and there he is!.Jump onto the flower and you’ll be able to reach Luigi no problem. Cross the lake and throw Mario’s hat onto the flower, activating its spring powers. Lake Kingdom – Luigi is standing up on a stone ledge above the first lake.If not, head towards the store and he will be easier to find. Looking towards the city on arrival should be enough for you to spot him. Sand Kingdom – Luigi can be located standing next to the water fountain between the two lanes of buildings.Jump up onto the ledge and you will find Luigi standing in a circle of non-grassy ground.

In order to access this mode in Super Mario Odyssey, players must first track him down. Luigi’s Balloon World allows players to participate in an online game of hide and seek in which players hide a balloon for others to reach and find. Luigi has just received his very own DLC and can now be found in each Super Mario Odyssey kingdom. Where to Find All Luigi Locations in Super Mario Odyssey